The IAU356Symposium concluded with a very great news of Nobel Peace Award of PM.
Dr.Abiy Ahmed that created delightment and special memory among
the symposium participants.
The symposium particpants and organizers sincerly passed their special apperication and gratitude for PM. Abiy and Ethiopia.
The organizer acknowledged all scientific and local organizing Committee, the sponsors and participants for their effort in making the symposium successful.
Astronomy in Africa Science Business Meeting concluded by drafting the African Astronomy Science vision and strategical document of African Astronomical Socitey(AfAS).
As aside meeting the East Africa-Regional office of Astronomy for development(EA-ROAD) steering committee meeting also held to discus the current status and updates of EA-ROAD as wellas organizing the 6th East Africa Asteonomical Society(EAAS) workshop in 2020 Tanzania .
Congratulation Dr.Solomon for Abyssinia Award!
Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute DirectorGeneral Sheds Light On Ethiopia’s Direction In Space Strategy
Workshop on “Space Driven Products for Drought Monitoring, Forecasting, and Predication in Ethiopia.”
will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia organized by ESSTI in collaboration with the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER)
Get involved for the PhD prize!
The IAU is inviting applications for the 2019 PhD prize, awarded annually in each of the IAU Divisions in recognition of the most remarkable work done in the previous year
Open to candidates from any country, regardless of whether the country is an IAU National Member. In addition, a separate prize is available to be awarded to applicants from developing countries
The Ethiopian Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed visited and check the progress of Ethiopian First 71 Kg Remote Sensing satellite ERSS-1 development.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited Chinese Academy of Space Technology to inspect Ethiopia’s 71kg Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Satellite ETRSS-1. ETRSS-1 is to be launched into space before end of 2019. The Satellite is expected to monitor weather patterns for better agricultural planning, drought early warning, forestry management, etc. Congratulations Ethiopia.
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ESSTI and CNES signed The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation of Space Activities
The Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) and The Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation of space activities on 13 March 2019 at Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The MOU set the framework for cooperation in the field of the use of outer space for peaceful purposes; Use of Space Climate observatory initiatives in monitoring impacts of climate changes, use of space applications in resource management, agriculture and health sectors, exchange of information and best practices as well as staff exchanges.
The MOU is one of the side activity in relation to President Macron visit of Ethiopia.
H.E. Amb. Teshome Toga met and discussed with Mr. Lin Yiming, Senior Vice President of China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) and 13 trainees from Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) at the academy on March 4, 2019.
Mr. Lin Yiming, on his remark, said that, the relationship between CAST and ESSTI is a new and fruitful partnership between Ethiopia and China which aims to become exemplary to the rest of Africa in providing accurate data for monitoring climate change, especially for agriculture, forest, water resources and disasters management. He add that the new Ethiopian Remote Sensing Satellite (ETRRSS-1) that will be launched to space this year, will be equipped with the latest technology in the field and the training program which is organized for ESSTI trainees to manage ETRRSS-1 will continue in the future.
H.E. Amb. Teshome appreciated CAST’s knowledge, skill and technology transfer in space science to Ethiopia’s endeavor in the field and noted that it will go a long way in building the capacity of ESSTI. He also said that the training program organized for Ethiopian engineers and computer science professionals in particular, and the partnership between CAST and ESSTI in general, is in line with the overall framework of the bilateral Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Ethiopia and China. He added that Ethiopia – China partnership will be a successful model for South-South cooperation and Ethiopia looks forward to work in communication satellite technology with CAST in the future.
The discussion on the space cooperation between Ethiopia and China started in 2012, and in 2016, China National Development Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Science and Technology of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia signed the agreement on the new Ethiopian Micro Satellite System Project, ETRSS-1, under the South – South Cooperation Fund that is aimed at addressing climate change. CAST has also provided training program for ESSTI to deepen the cooperation through know-how and technology transfer, which would enhance Ethiopia’s capacity in space science.
H.E. Amb. Teshome encouraged the trainees from ESSTI to work and study hard to make Ethiopia one of the leading nations in space science in Africa.
Finally, H.E. the ambassador and his delegation from the embassy made a visit to CAST’s exhibition and AIT centers and successfully concluded the visit at the academy.
Ethiopian Space Policy Approved
On 22 December 2018, the Ethiopian space policy is officially approved by the Council of Ministers. The enactment of the space policy is one of the big leaps forward for the development of Ethiopian Space program.
The decision made by the cabinet today has great message that asserts how the government of Ethiopia is committed to work in space sector and make robust use of Space technology and applications for the sustainable development of the country.
The Ethiopian space policy preparation has passed through a long steps, reviews and consultations at each level starting from professionals in the field, organization working in space sectors, stake holders, governmental and non-governmental organizations. It also takes consideration of experiences of countries which are involved and practiced space science and space technologies for their development
Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) would like to congratulate all involved individuals and institutions for their technical assistance and support during the development of the Space Policy.
Ethiopia is now officially joining those countries that have space policy and will continue to work hard for the development of space science in the country and in the East and the rest of Africa.
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